Policy Details - Light-Duty EV Consumer Adoption: EV Education

7. Support consumer EV education

Many Canadians want to go electric but have unanswered questions or don’t know where to start. Work with leading and trusted organizations like Plug’n Drive, EV Society, Plug in BC, AVÉQ and others to establish a suite of programs to educate and support consumers in making the transition to electric vehicles.

More Policy Details

Many Canadians want to go electric but low levels of consumer awareness continue to be a barrier.  Work with leading and trusted organizations like Plug n’ Drive, EV Society, Plug in BC, AVÉQ and others to establish a suite of programs to educate and support consumers in making the transition to electric vehicles. Efforts could include creating a Canadianized version of MIT’s CarbonCounter.com and better communicating the availability and ease of charging.

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